How do I generate a payment link in the GoPay business account?

Let your customers pay through the payment link

Log in to your business account and click “Extra -> Payment Button” to view how to generate a payment button / link.


  1. Select the website on which you want to create a payment button
  2. Enter amount
  3. Enter currency
  4. Describe the goods/product/service you provide
  5. Enter the Order ID
  6. Enter the return URL (the buyer will be redirected there after finishing the payment - e.g. your homepage)
  7. Enter the fail URL (the buyer will be redirected there after they cancel the payment - e.g. your homepage)
  8. Click “Generate”

The following links can appear:

  1. HTML link (it can facilitate a placement of the payment button on your website)
  2. URL link


Copy the generated URL link and send it to your customer. A payment link has no specific expiration date. The payment is settled at the moment of opening the link by your customer. Such a payment is valid untill the customer chooses from the payment methods. Each time your customer opens the link, a new payment is settled. You will need to check the payment statement manually in your GoPay business account. Your marketplace will not reflect such a statement.


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