Online identity verification
Online identity verification is the easiest option how to verify your identity. We can verify your identity provided that you send us a verification payment from your bank account and a copy of your ID documents.
How can you do it?
- Send 10 CZK or 0.5 EUR or 10 HUF to our bank account
- Variable symbol: use the number of your GoPay account (account ID).
- Make the payment using the bank account that is registered in our system and also presented in the contract (registration form).
- Payment details must include information about the bank account owner - your company.
GoPay tip: Send your payment to one of the bank accounts listed below:
CZK - Fio banka, a.s. - 2000295311/2010
EUR - VUB, a.s. - IBAN SK75 0200 0000 0000 0765 4322 / SWIFT SUBASKBXHUF - CIB Bank Zrt. - IBAN HU30107000246882669151100005
You can find your Account ID in your GoPay Business Account, see Business Account Detail.
The payment will be credited to your Business Account. When you issue a clearing, you will be able to get your payment back.
2. Send the following documents at
- a double sided copy of the company representative's ID
- a double sided copy of the company representative's additional identity document (passport, driver license, etc.)
- screenshot or a scan of a bank account statement - the bank account must be registered in our system and your company must be the owner of the bank account
- a message that you've sent us the verification payment
When we receive your verification payment and your ID documents, we will process your verification request. Once we process your identification, we will contact you by e-mail.