List of fees for payment gateway in effect as of 25/8/2024

Payment gateway

Activity Fee
Payment gateway set-up Free of charge
Payment gateway maintenance Free of charge
Payment gateway cancellation Free of charge
Monthly fee 190 CZK 1)

1) The fee of 190 CZK is charged to you only when your online volume of payments does not reach the limit of 50,000 CZK (2050 EUR / 2160 USD / 1760 GBP / 9600 PLN / 800 000 HUF / 10 000 RON / 4000 BGN) per a calendar month.

Card payments

Payment card category

Card association

Interchange fee 2) Fee paid to a card association 3) Other fees 4) Total fee 5)
consumer debit VISA, VISA Electron, V Pay 0.20 % 0.14 % 1.76 % + 3 CZK 2.1 % + 3 CZK
MasterCard, Maestro 0.20 % 0.27 % 1.76 % + 3 CZK 2.23 % + 3 CZK
consumer credit VISA, VISA Electron, V Pay 0.30 % 0.15 % 1.76 % + 3 CZK 2.21 % + 3 CZK
MasterCard 0.30 % 0.27 % 1.76 % + 3 CZK 2.33 % + 3 CZK
other 0.20 % - 1.70 % 0.14 - 0.94 % 1.76 % + 3 CZK 2.1 % - 4.4 % + 3 CZK

2) Fee paid to the bank which issued the particular payment card. This list of fees does not contain a full list of interchange fees that can be charged for processing the transaction. The GOPAY company reserves the right to charge the fee passed by a payment method provider.
3) Fee paid to a card association company which processed the card payment. It is an average cost for card transactions paid to VISA and MasterCard. The GOPAY company reserves the right to charge the fee passed by a payment method provider.
4) Fees paid to GoPay and third parties (authorization centre, acquirer, etc.). Custom amount of fee is based on the individual calculation.
5) An average total fee for a card payment. You can find more information in What is the fee for card payments comprised of?

Other payment methods

Payment methods Fee
Bank transfer, Digital wallet, Bitcoin 2,20 % + 3 CZK 6)
Deferred payment (BNPL) 0,89 %
Payment in three installments (BNPL) 1,99 %
Other payment methods custom

Fees for additional services

Service Fee
Payment card update 2 CZK 6)
Payment without 3DS verification 0,3 CZK 7)

6) This fee is for the automatic updating of a payment card using the Account Updater service, which the GoPay company offers as an optional add-on to its recurring payment and card token payment services. The update occurs, for example these situations:

  • there is a new expiration date available for a payment card that has expired,
  • the new payment card will replace the expired payment card,
  • the customer reports a payment card loss or theft of the original one and obtains a new one.

7) This fee is for a card payment up to the amount of 700 CZK (29 EUR / 30 USD / 25 GBP / 134 PLN / 11 174 HUF / 141 RON / 56 BGN), for which GoPay decides not to redirect the payment to 3D Secure authentication. The customer will pay without 3D Secure verification. The responsibility for chargeback is on GoPay´s side for this type of payment.

Other fees

Ostatní poplatky Poplatek
Payment refund 5 CZK
Chargeback 990 CZK

Instead of CZK, fees can be settled in other currencies based on the account currency. The amount of fees in each currency is listed in the table below.

0,3 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,06 4,79 0,06 0,02
2 0,08 0,09 0,07 0,38 32 0,40 0,16
3 0,12 0,13 0,11 0,58 48 0,70 0,30
5 0,2 0,22 0,18 1 80 1 0,4
190 8 8 7 37 3033 38 15
990 41 43 35 190 15800 200 80

All the fees are free of VAT.

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