Integration FAQ

In this text you can find answers to frequently asked questions related to the integration process.


I’ve registered in the system. Where can I find ClientID and ClientSecret credentials?

If you’ve already registered in the system, tell us your evidence number and we’ll send you your credentials. If you’re not registered, follow the guide at https://help.gopay.com/en/s/bu.

Can I integrate the GoPay payment gateway to my e-shop?
If you use a common platform for your e-shop you can buy a ready to use modul of the payment gateway. You can find a list of e-shop modul providers we cooperate with in our help centre. You can also choose from e-shop solutions provided by certified providers. Or you can integrate the payment gateway on your own. See our docs and choose from our ready to use APIs.

Where can I find a payment gateway modul for my e-shop system (PrestaShop, Wordpress, OpenCart, Magento, etc.)?
We don’t provide payment gateway moduls. You can find a list of recommended modul providers in our help centre. Or you can integrate the payment gateway on your own. See our docs and choose from our ready to use APIs.

I’m a developer. Where can I find sandbox credentials?
We don’t provide general sandbox credentials. To get sandbox credentials you need to follow this guide https://help.gopay.com/en/s/bu.

Where can I find your payment gateway online docs?
You can find a complete documentation here. To find more information about the integration read this text.

I don’t know anything about the payment gateway integration. Is there a simple integration process?
There’s a basic payment gateway integration process which is called a push payments generating. See a description of this functionality here. If you want to use a basic integration it is necessary to check the payment statuses manually in the GoPay business account, or we can activate e-mail payment status notifications for you.

How can I set a logo in the payment gateway?
To set your logo log in to the GoPay business account and go to Settings -> E-shops -> Logo settings.

What is a URL notification address?
A URL notification address is an address of the script in your e-shop. We send you HTTP notifications with payment status updates at this address. The script of your URL notification address synchronizes current payment statuses with individual orders in your e-shop system.

How can I set my URL notification address?
You can set your URL notification address in the settings of your GoPay business account. Go to Settings -> E-shops -->HTTP notifications settings.

I need to be sent sandbox/production credentials of the payment gateway. What do I do?
You can find your sandbox credentials in your GoPay business account. Go to Settings -> E-shops -> Sandbox environment.
To get your production credentials contact us at integrace@gopay.cz . We’ll send them at the registered contact.

I haven’t received a SecureKey production credential. What do I do?
If you use an integration of a current version of the payment gateway for your e-shop (with REST API), you just need GoID, ClientID and ClientSecret. The SecureKey credential is only needed for the older version of the payment gateway which uses SOAP web services. The integration of the current version works without that credential, that’s why you haven’t received it.

Why do I need to enter my card number in the sandbox environment?
A sandbox perfectly imitates a production environemnt of the payment gateway where all the customers enter their card numbers right in the payment gateway interface. To test your payment gateway you can use our testing cards here.

My e-shop is in English. How can I set the payment gateway in English?
You must set the language of the payment gateway in the payment creation request, use the “lang” parameter. See more about creating a payment in our docs here. The language of the payment gateway which has been changed by a customer has the top priority. If the customer has never changed the language, the payment gateway uses the language passed in the “lang” parameter in the payment creation request, as mentioned above. If the language is not mentioned in the “lang” parameter, the language is automatically set according to the language of the customer’s internet browser. If the customer uses a language which we don’t support, the default language is English.

How can I automatically generate my GoPay business account statements?
We can send you your statements automatically via e-mail (see the guide to settings here) or you can generate them with our API (see the guide here).