
How can I avoid phishing?

We came across some fraudulent attempts in the past. A fraudulent behaviour is called phishing (a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information on the internet).

Fake websites require you to log in to your GoPay account with your client number, or user name and password. Fake websites usually use domains such as, but they never use or You can see what a fake website looks like in the picture below.

Picture 1 - Fake website


  1. URL address is never secure and has nothing in common with GoPay
  2. GoPay never asks you to log in with a certificate
  3. GoPay never asks you to enter your bank client number
  4. You can clearly see that the “Sign in” button is in a wrong format, see Picture no. 2

Picture 2 - Standard login page of GoPay account

přihlášení do gopay účtu.jpg

  1. There’s always a secure address and the certificate belongs to the GOPAY s.r.o. company
  2. We require an e-mail address or your username and password, not a client number
  3. There’s a right format of buttons