
With the refund function, you can issue a refund to the customer. The payment is always refunded to the payment method associated with.

There are 2 types of refunds. You can choose either a full refund - the whole amount of money will be refunded, or a partial refund - only a certain part of the amount is refunded.

Our tip: It’s necessary to authorize the refund with a token. You’ll need to settle the token for the refund in scope=payment-all. For further information about getting the access token, see the How Do I Integrate the Payment Gateway? article.

Full refund

You can issue a full refund with an API request. The only parameter is amount which defines the amount of money you want to refund to the customer. The amount parameter is set to the amount paid. An object containg the payment id and a status of the refund is returned as a response to the refund. Once the refund has been made, the following payment status is REFUNDED, and a standard HTTP/GET notification will inform you about it. For further information about notifications please see the How Do I Integrate the Payment Gateway? article.

Our tip: The amount parameter is passed as a whole number in cents and it never contains a higher value than the amount paid.

Partial refund

You can issue a partial refund with the same API request you use when issuing the full refund, only the settings of the amount parameter is different. You pass the value of that amount you want to refund in the amount parameter. An object containing the refunded payment id and a status of the refund is returned as a response. Once the refund has been made, the following payment status is PARTIALLY_REFUNDED. A standard HTTP/GET notification will inform you about that refunded payment status.

Refunds issued according to the payment method

You can issue online payment button refunds even 24 hours after making the payment. You can issue full refunds to the credit/debit card immediately after making the payment. However, you can only issue a partial refund 24 hours later.