Guide to registration

Guide to registration: 7. Integration check and switching to the production environment

Before we check your integration, we send you an e-mail with the so-called Testing integration document. 

We send you this document after we check your website, alongside with a DocuSign link. 

GoPay tip: You can finish both the processes can be finished respectively.  

Kontrola integrace i Podpis smlouvy probíhají paralelně a nezávisle na sobě. Můžete proto dokončit oba procesy najednou, nebo každý zvlášť, přičemž dokončení jednoho procesu nepodmiňuje začátek druhého.

Testing integration document

Testing integration document contains all the data you need to test the payment gateway in the sandbox. You need to test your payments in the sandbox. By testing your payments you try out whether your payment gateway works right. You can find more information in the intg guide. 

Once you finish your integration and test your payments, e-mail us at Once we receive your e-mail, we check your integration. 

We also check whether your website contains all the required information and you use right logos.

Switching to the production 

Once your integration is all set and ready and your website contains all the required information, we send you production credentials. You receive your credentials in the SMS message, at the phone number you specified in the contract. You set your production credentials in your sandbox (you just exchange your production credentials for testing ones). By setting your production credentials you get access to the production. Once you switch to the production, you can start accepting payments.